Friday, September 10, 2010

Study Resources for AP Psychology

With the first quiz of the year behind us, it is about the time when many students begin to consider making changes to their study routines. If you feel your study habits need revitalization (or a serious kick in the pants), there are a number of resources available to give you some direction.

Free Resources

Your textbook has a companion website that offers chapter summaries, quizzes on anatomical diagrams (helpful for Chatper 2), and two online quizzes for each chapter. You may have to create an account (provide email address and a password) to access the site, but this is an easy step. This link is ALWAYS available in the links list on the left-hand side of the blog.

I have also (sometimes with the help of students) created online flashcard sets for your use. I am working toward having these available for every unit, but am not quite there yet. There is a set for research methods, and other sets are available on the links list (left-hand side).

I also have a number of flashcard sets (physical copies) available in my room for use during the school day, such as during a study hall or Lunch & Learn. However, I don't let students take these home at night because I've lost several sets that way...and I don't like losing money.

Resources for Purchase
  • Textbook companion Study Guide: it has TONS of study prompts, practice tests, reading questions, etc. to make sure you're understanding the reading in the book. I have provided a link to an online resource for purchasing used copies, which are available for super-cheap.

  • Barron's AP Psychology flashcards: I've had students who use these regularly to prepare for tests, and they also come in handy during AP exam time in the spring. The local Borders store has sometimes had copies of these on hand, so they might be a source if you don't like to order online. But call ahead because they usually only stock one or two copies...and there are probably 300-400 AP Psych students in the area who might beat you to it.
As always, if you feel like you are lost at sea, please come talk to me! I can help you sort out what is working for you and what is not, and hopefully I can suggest avenues that you haven't tried yet. There is no single magic formula for success in this class because everyone is different, so together we can find out what works for you.

That being said, if you are not willing or able to put time into your studies, there is nothing I can tell you and no resource I can recommend that will get you A's without effort. So please come ready to roll up your sleeves!

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