Sunday, September 23, 2018

Cognition Demo

When prompted by your instructor, enter your results from the Cognition Demo here.

Then, close up your Chromebook to show you are ready for the next activity.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Practice: Correlation Coefficients and Scatterplots

Today in class you will be learning about how correlation coefficients and scatterplots are used to report outcomes of correlational research.

Your teacher will likely give you some time to practice identifying scatterplots and their associated correlation coefficients using this website.

If you find that you are having trouble visualizing how these two related concepts align, this website allows you to adjust a correlation coefficient to see how the scatterplot changes as a result.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Example Survey

Hi, AP Psych Students!

When prompted, please take a moment to complete this 3-question survey. We will be discussing the results in class today as we explore how psychologists use surveys in their work.